Charltons Myanmar advises on listing Myanmar companies on the HKEx (Hong Kong) and on group restructuring in preparation for listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange including spin-offs, demergers and insolvencies. Pre-IPO reorganization affords applicants the opportunity to restructure the overall group as desired.
Chapter 19 of the HKEx’s Main Board Listing Rules and Chapter 24 of the GEM Listing Rules provide the general framework applicable to all overseas companies seeking a listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Other than People’s Republic of China, Bermuda and Cayman Islands, the Listing Committee has formally ruled that Australia, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Canada (Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario), Cyprus, France, Germany, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Italy, Japan, Jersey, Korea, Labuan, Luxembourg, Singapore, United Kingdom, and United States of America (California and Delaware) are acceptable jurisdictions as an issuer’s place of incorporation.
Mineral companies not incorporated in any of the acceptable jurisdictions will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and have to demonstrate they are subject to appropriate standards of shareholder protection, which are at least equivalent to those required under Hong Kong law, in order to list on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.
Reorganisation for proposed listing of Myanmar companies on the HKEx